Learn, Create, Iterate

Learn, Create, Iterate

Learn, Create, Iterate

Learn, Create, Iterate

A new educational mdoel for the next generation of artistic leaners.

A new educational mdoel for the next generation of artistic leaners.

A new educational mdoel for the next generation of artistic leaners.

A new educational mdoel for the next generation of artistic leaners.

1 min read


Personal Project


16 days






Personal Project


16 days






Personal Project


16 days






Personal Project


16 days






As the educational landscape evolves, the rise of video tutorials on platforms like YouTube has transformed the way students consume information. While video tutorials were less known when we started in 2011, the rapid proliferation of educators in this space has necessitated a more holistic approach to education. With employers increasingly demanding a diverse skill set from graduates, it's clear that relying solely on video content is no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of the industry. To ensure that our students remain competitive and equipped to excel in today's job market, we recognized the urgent need to design a new educational model that pushes beyond the confines of video alone.


While preserving the unique essence of education at CG Spectrum, including the invaluable small class mentorship and vibrant community, we recognized the imperative for a more robust and immersive program. Introducing our innovative model, Learn, Create, Iterate, we established a structured approach encompassing the essential steps required to cultivate professional proficiency within artistic disciplines. Beginning with the foundational step of learning, students delve into fundamental concepts pertinent to their chosen module, encompassing both theoretical frameworks and technical knowledge. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent practical application, ensuring theoretical understanding is immediately reinforced through hands-on exercises and projects. By seamlessly integrating theory with practice, we maximize retention and comprehension, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The culmination of our model resides in the iteration phase, mirroring the iterative nature of professional practice. Emulating the real-world cycle of creation, feedback, and refinement, students collaborate closely with a small group and dedicated professional mentor. This dynamic interaction propels their work forward, enabling rapid progress and honing their skills to a professional standard. Through Learn, Create, Iterate, we empower our students to navigate the complex landscape of artistic disciplines with confidence and proficiency, equipping them for success in today's competitive industry.


As the educational landscape evolves, the rise of video tutorials on platforms like YouTube has transformed the way students consume information. While video tutorials were less known when we started in 2011, the rapid proliferation of educators in this space has necessitated a more holistic approach to education. With employers increasingly demanding a diverse skill set from graduates, it's clear that relying solely on video content is no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of the industry. To ensure that our students remain competitive and equipped to excel in today's job market, we recognized the urgent need to design a new educational model that pushes beyond the confines of video alone.


While preserving the unique essence of education at CG Spectrum, including the invaluable small class mentorship and vibrant community, we recognized the imperative for a more robust and immersive program. Introducing our innovative model, Learn, Create, Iterate, we established a structured approach encompassing the essential steps required to cultivate professional proficiency within artistic disciplines. Beginning with the foundational step of learning, students delve into fundamental concepts pertinent to their chosen module, encompassing both theoretical frameworks and technical knowledge. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent practical application, ensuring theoretical understanding is immediately reinforced through hands-on exercises and projects. By seamlessly integrating theory with practice, we maximize retention and comprehension, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The culmination of our model resides in the iteration phase, mirroring the iterative nature of professional practice. Emulating the real-world cycle of creation, feedback, and refinement, students collaborate closely with a small group and dedicated professional mentor. This dynamic interaction propels their work forward, enabling rapid progress and honing their skills to a professional standard. Through Learn, Create, Iterate, we empower our students to navigate the complex landscape of artistic disciplines with confidence and proficiency, equipping them for success in today's competitive industry.


As the educational landscape evolves, the rise of video tutorials on platforms like YouTube has transformed the way students consume information. While video tutorials were less known when we started in 2011, the rapid proliferation of educators in this space has necessitated a more holistic approach to education. With employers increasingly demanding a diverse skill set from graduates, it's clear that relying solely on video content is no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of the industry. To ensure that our students remain competitive and equipped to excel in today's job market, we recognized the urgent need to design a new educational model that pushes beyond the confines of video alone.


While preserving the unique essence of education at CG Spectrum, including the invaluable small class mentorship and vibrant community, we recognized the imperative for a more robust and immersive program. Introducing our innovative model, Learn, Create, Iterate, we established a structured approach encompassing the essential steps required to cultivate professional proficiency within artistic disciplines. Beginning with the foundational step of learning, students delve into fundamental concepts pertinent to their chosen module, encompassing both theoretical frameworks and technical knowledge. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent practical application, ensuring theoretical understanding is immediately reinforced through hands-on exercises and projects. By seamlessly integrating theory with practice, we maximize retention and comprehension, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The culmination of our model resides in the iteration phase, mirroring the iterative nature of professional practice. Emulating the real-world cycle of creation, feedback, and refinement, students collaborate closely with a small group and dedicated professional mentor. This dynamic interaction propels their work forward, enabling rapid progress and honing their skills to a professional standard. Through Learn, Create, Iterate, we empower our students to navigate the complex landscape of artistic disciplines with confidence and proficiency, equipping them for success in today's competitive industry.


As the educational landscape evolves, the rise of video tutorials on platforms like YouTube has transformed the way students consume information. While video tutorials were less known when we started in 2011, the rapid proliferation of educators in this space has necessitated a more holistic approach to education. With employers increasingly demanding a diverse skill set from graduates, it's clear that relying solely on video content is no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of the industry. To ensure that our students remain competitive and equipped to excel in today's job market, we recognized the urgent need to design a new educational model that pushes beyond the confines of video alone.


While preserving the unique essence of education at CG Spectrum, including the invaluable small class mentorship and vibrant community, we recognized the imperative for a more robust and immersive program. Introducing our innovative model, Learn, Create, Iterate, we established a structured approach encompassing the essential steps required to cultivate professional proficiency within artistic disciplines. Beginning with the foundational step of learning, students delve into fundamental concepts pertinent to their chosen module, encompassing both theoretical frameworks and technical knowledge. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent practical application, ensuring theoretical understanding is immediately reinforced through hands-on exercises and projects. By seamlessly integrating theory with practice, we maximize retention and comprehension, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The culmination of our model resides in the iteration phase, mirroring the iterative nature of professional practice. Emulating the real-world cycle of creation, feedback, and refinement, students collaborate closely with a small group and dedicated professional mentor. This dynamic interaction propels their work forward, enabling rapid progress and honing their skills to a professional standard. Through Learn, Create, Iterate, we empower our students to navigate the complex landscape of artistic disciplines with confidence and proficiency, equipping them for success in today's competitive industry.

Sometimes it's just faster to read

In the ever-evolving landscape of online education, video tutorials have long served as a cornerstone for delivering content efficiently. When CG Spectrum was founded in 2011, our innovative approach of blending comprehensive video tutorials with industry mentorship distinguished us from the outset. However, as educational standards evolved and industry demands intensified, it became clear that a more nuanced approach was needed to meet the evolving needs of learners.

In 2022, we embarked on a strategic reassessment of our instructional content, seeking to strike a balance between the accessibility of video tutorials and the versatility of written resources. This involved a thorough evaluation of where video content could make the most impact—primarily for conveying complex concepts, demonstrating program techniques, and applying theory to specific software. Recognizing the inherent limitations of video content for quick reference and retention, we strategically transitioned certain visual elements into written format, providing learners with readily accessible resources that could be revisited and referenced at their convenience.

Complementing this transition in content delivery was the introduction of our new instructional model, Learn, Create, Iterate. Grounded in principles of active learning and iterative feedback, this model aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Learners were encouraged to immediately apply newly acquired knowledge to practical exercises or assignments, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Live sessions with mentors offered opportunities for collaborative feedback and refinement, mirroring the dynamic interactions found in professional studio settings.

While the implementation of this new model is ongoing as of Q1 2024, early results have been encouraging. Notably, the quality of student work in our Essentials products has shown significant improvement, particularly among our newest learners. As we continue to refine and iterate upon our approach, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a transformative and enriching educational experience for all our students.

Sometimes it's just faster to read

In the ever-evolving landscape of online education, video tutorials have long served as a cornerstone for delivering content efficiently. When CG Spectrum was founded in 2011, our innovative approach of blending comprehensive video tutorials with industry mentorship distinguished us from the outset. However, as educational standards evolved and industry demands intensified, it became clear that a more nuanced approach was needed to meet the evolving needs of learners.

In 2022, we embarked on a strategic reassessment of our instructional content, seeking to strike a balance between the accessibility of video tutorials and the versatility of written resources. This involved a thorough evaluation of where video content could make the most impact—primarily for conveying complex concepts, demonstrating program techniques, and applying theory to specific software. Recognizing the inherent limitations of video content for quick reference and retention, we strategically transitioned certain visual elements into written format, providing learners with readily accessible resources that could be revisited and referenced at their convenience.

Complementing this transition in content delivery was the introduction of our new instructional model, Learn, Create, Iterate. Grounded in principles of active learning and iterative feedback, this model aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Learners were encouraged to immediately apply newly acquired knowledge to practical exercises or assignments, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Live sessions with mentors offered opportunities for collaborative feedback and refinement, mirroring the dynamic interactions found in professional studio settings.

While the implementation of this new model is ongoing as of Q1 2024, early results have been encouraging. Notably, the quality of student work in our Essentials products has shown significant improvement, particularly among our newest learners. As we continue to refine and iterate upon our approach, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a transformative and enriching educational experience for all our students.

Sometimes it's just faster to read

In the ever-evolving landscape of online education, video tutorials have long served as a cornerstone for delivering content efficiently. When CG Spectrum was founded in 2011, our innovative approach of blending comprehensive video tutorials with industry mentorship distinguished us from the outset. However, as educational standards evolved and industry demands intensified, it became clear that a more nuanced approach was needed to meet the evolving needs of learners.

In 2022, we embarked on a strategic reassessment of our instructional content, seeking to strike a balance between the accessibility of video tutorials and the versatility of written resources. This involved a thorough evaluation of where video content could make the most impact—primarily for conveying complex concepts, demonstrating program techniques, and applying theory to specific software. Recognizing the inherent limitations of video content for quick reference and retention, we strategically transitioned certain visual elements into written format, providing learners with readily accessible resources that could be revisited and referenced at their convenience.

Complementing this transition in content delivery was the introduction of our new instructional model, Learn, Create, Iterate. Grounded in principles of active learning and iterative feedback, this model aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Learners were encouraged to immediately apply newly acquired knowledge to practical exercises or assignments, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Live sessions with mentors offered opportunities for collaborative feedback and refinement, mirroring the dynamic interactions found in professional studio settings.

While the implementation of this new model is ongoing as of Q1 2024, early results have been encouraging. Notably, the quality of student work in our Essentials products has shown significant improvement, particularly among our newest learners. As we continue to refine and iterate upon our approach, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a transformative and enriching educational experience for all our students.

Sometimes it's just faster to read

In the ever-evolving landscape of online education, video tutorials have long served as a cornerstone for delivering content efficiently. When CG Spectrum was founded in 2011, our innovative approach of blending comprehensive video tutorials with industry mentorship distinguished us from the outset. However, as educational standards evolved and industry demands intensified, it became clear that a more nuanced approach was needed to meet the evolving needs of learners.

In 2022, we embarked on a strategic reassessment of our instructional content, seeking to strike a balance between the accessibility of video tutorials and the versatility of written resources. This involved a thorough evaluation of where video content could make the most impact—primarily for conveying complex concepts, demonstrating program techniques, and applying theory to specific software. Recognizing the inherent limitations of video content for quick reference and retention, we strategically transitioned certain visual elements into written format, providing learners with readily accessible resources that could be revisited and referenced at their convenience.

Complementing this transition in content delivery was the introduction of our new instructional model, Learn, Create, Iterate. Grounded in principles of active learning and iterative feedback, this model aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Learners were encouraged to immediately apply newly acquired knowledge to practical exercises or assignments, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Live sessions with mentors offered opportunities for collaborative feedback and refinement, mirroring the dynamic interactions found in professional studio settings.

While the implementation of this new model is ongoing as of Q1 2024, early results have been encouraging. Notably, the quality of student work in our Essentials products has shown significant improvement, particularly among our newest learners. As we continue to refine and iterate upon our approach, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a transformative and enriching educational experience for all our students.